Road signs are an ultimate treasure along any great road trip adventure. Whether they are stacked on a pole showing the mileage to landmarks around the world, cautionary, or just plain kitschy, road signs are a beloved complement to auto-travel.
One of the best places in the world to see a lot of them in one area is at the Sign Post Forest in the Watson Lake area of the Yukon Territory, where we stopped nearing the end of our four-day adventure on The Alaska Highway. This is a must-see if traveling the fabled Alcan. There are more than 30,000 signs tacked on a forest of trees from everywhere around the world, and all visitors are encouraged to participate.
The Sign Post Forest began when the Alaska Highway was under construction — it was then that the U.S. Army of Engineers began tacking up directional signs to their camps, providing distances and directions. The tradition has long since extended on, and continues today in the Yukon. Have you placed a sign there?? We did, making due with the best material we had at our disposal, a random piece of wood!!